Touchstone’s Advocacy Service in Kirklees is adding two new strands to its work.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
The Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) service will be working with people who have been sectioned or conditionally discharged, to ensure that they know about and are able to ask for their rights.
They can also work with patients who are likely to be detained, or patients under 18 who are discussing serious treatments such as ECT.
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Peer-led Brokerage Service
The Peer-led Brokerage Service is for people with mental health difficulties who want help choosing the best services to support them. These can be people who’ve been allocated a Personal Budget by Kirklees Council, or who have access to another source of funding to purchase support services.
All the peer brokers are people with direct experience of living with mental health problems (including dementia), and of using mental health services. They are trained and supported to help you work out what kind of support you want, to live the kind of life you want.
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