Who we are
Being you Leeds provides groups, activities and training and awareness sessions for community wellbeing across Leeds.
Being You Leeds promotes positive wellbeing with people in Leeds in 3 ways:
- Providing groups and activities focusing on wellbeing. These fun, welcoming groups run 7 days a week, including weekends, and are based around activities chosen by group members.
- Providing training and awareness raising sessions to staff and volunteers working in community organisations and to members of the general public in Leeds.
- Tackling Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination, through all of our activities and training, campaigns and with a strategic partnership.
A partnership of third sector organisations run Being You Leeds. This partnership is made up of: Touchstone, Barca, Hamara, Health for All, Holbeck Together, LS14 Trust, Women’s Health Matters, Community Links and Humans Being.

Anti-Stigma Work
At Being You Leeds we are positive about mental health and we challenge discrimination and stigma around mental health through our anti-stigma work.
Please visit our main page on the MindWell website to find out more about our work on anti-stigma.
You can also click here to check out our opportunities to volunteer as an Anti-Stigma Champion.
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