
Healthy Weight with Healthy Meals

FREE COOK 4 LIFE COURSE Free 4 week cooking course Provides a free Health Check Simple healthy meals to help lose weight How to reduce risks of cancer, diabetes & heart disease Wednesday 26th April 2017 Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm at The Meeting Point Café 409 Harehills Lane, LS9 6AP Everyone is welcome, just come along. Call East Leeds Health For All 0113 2484880 for more information Download Cook for

2020-04-17T10:27:27+01:0025th April 2017|Healthy Eating, Leaflets, News|

East Leeds Health for All's updated schedule for 2017

East Leeds Health for All will be continuing to offer a weekly programme of activities throughout 2017. Regular groups include: Monday Walking Group - Call Sarah on 0113 248 4880. Magic Mondays - arts, crafts, cooking, knitting, sewing, internet. Call Wendy or Maxine on 0113248 4880 or 0113 240 4196. Tuesday Plan 2 Change - support and advice for people who want to change their drinking habits. Call Kim or Wendy

2020-04-17T10:25:10+01:0017th January 2017|Leaflets, News|