East Leeds Health for all (ELHFA) Better Together works within the heart of Lincoln Green to support the local community

Better Together, Healthy Communities, Healthy Lives

They provide community groups and activities to help address health inequalities, reduce isolation, and improve physical health and wellbeing.
All Better Together activities are developed with our Service Users, listening to what they want, where and when.

Groups change regularly and may include:

  • Free Swim sessions 
  • Breakfast Clubs 
  • Drop-In Support
  • Walking Groups
  • Sewing and Crafts Groups
  • Badminton and other Sports Groups
The partners for Better Together are Feel Good Factor (lead and accountable body), Space2, Zest – Health for Life, Shantona and Touchstone. They work together seamlessly and collaboratively across East North East Leeds. Collectively, the consortium has over 70 years’ experience of using person- and community- centred approaches; engaging, informing, inspiring, connecting and empowering people to take positive actions to transform their health and wellbeing. Find out more about the Orion Partnership.
Better Together East Leeds Health For All are Stonewall Diversity Champions.

Get in Touch

41-47 Cromwell Mount, Leeds, LS9 7ST