Giving Voice is a life-enhancing self-help tool. It involves learning to use song to promote your own health and happiness. In this short course, you will learn and practice how to use Giving Voice in your own life. Benefits may include better health, joy, peace, connection, sharing and fun. You don’t need any experience or confidence in singing – in fact, lack of it can be an advantage! You can even do it silently!
Please come to all 3 sessions so we can create a safe group and progress in our learning together.
Giving Voice has been developed by singer, health educator and author Jill Rakusen over many years, informed by her own experience of illness and disability. Giving Voice is deeply spiritual, and compatible with religious beliefs of all kinds, and none.
What happens in the sessions depends on the unique contributions, needs and dynamics of the people who come along, but it is likely to include singing, silence, movement, talking, sharing, reflecting and laughing. You will learn one or more songs which you can take away and use in your own life.
If you are interested in attending please contact Donna on 07760173497. At least 4-6 people are needed, so don’t be afraid to call just for more information! When enough people have joined the group can commence anytime between January and March.
About the facilitator:
Rachel Healey is the first person to have trained with Jill and has been teaching Giving Voice since 2003. She has brought GV to a wide range of settings including mental health, community groups, conferences, hospitals, schools, Dementia care and creating performances. She used GV for many years to support her own mental health and herself as a mother. When Rachel became ill with M.E. in 2006 Giving Voice was a lifeline, and continues to be essential to her ongoing recovery and health management process.