Around 18 million people in the UK live with a long-term conditions and this number is expected to double by 2030. Within Leeds over the past 8 years we have developed a unique intervention designed to empower people living with long-term conditions to lead more fulfilling lives.
 The Positive Care programme offers a unique mix of therapies, workshops and replicable self-management tools which enable participants to take control of their lives and improve their wellbeing.
 As the Big Lottery funding comes to a close, an independent piece of research has been commissioned which identifies, from a participant’s view what makes this intervention so significant.
 Touchstone’s waiting list continues to grow as service users and carers, and social care, health and other professionals refer to the PCP. We are now looking for partners to enable us to continue to deliver this unique service.
To download the Executive Summary or full report, click on the documents below or to request a paper copy, please email us at
Health Academix Executive Summary 20121

Health Academix Ltd Final Report to Touchstone 20121
For more information on the Positive Care Programme please contact Hannah Howe on 0113 210 3343 or at