Touchstone Service Users wishing to book a place on any of the training below, should ring  Tim Grayson 07825 438 377

Compliments and Complaints (Enables you to sit on panels and be paid for reviewing the above) – Facilitator: Mark Baker – Tuesday 8/4/14 12.00 noon to 3.30pm at Touchstone House (The conference room)  – 10 places available.

First Aid ( will qualify you to deliver emergency first aid at an accident) – Facilitator: Jan Oversby – Tuesday 20/5/14 10.00am to 4.00pm at the IAPT building on Haslewood Drive, LS9 7RE – 12 places available.

Food Safety (will qualify you to store, handle and cook food) – Facilitator:  Jan Oversby – Tuesday 3/6/14 10.00am to 4.30pm at the IAPT building on Haslewood Drive, LS9 7RE – 12 places available.

Literacy Training (Reading and Writing Skills) – Swarthmore College – Ring Swarthmore to make an appointment to enrol (Tel. 0113 243 2210) – 15 places available.

Mental Health First Aid (What to do when we notice vulnerabilities)  – Community Links – To book a place ring 0845 8389928 or email