Our aim is to improve the health and well-being of Sikh Elders– by supporting them to live independently, and to live fulfilling lives. We are a dedicated Punjabi speaking team who provide specialised provision and support. We address the many issues affecting all elders in the community.

Sikh Elders Service aims to improve the health and well-being of older Sikh people by supporting them to live independently and to live fulfilling lives. We do this by offering a combination of one to one support and group activities.

The ageing population is one of the defining changes of our time and it’s a global reality. Families live further apart, distances and time pressures can make it difficult to travel. We at Sikh Elders Service provide new opportunities to connect people of different ages. We have peer support discussions and creative workshops at our Monday groups. We explore and address current and future social, cultural, health and economic needs.

The staff and volunteers work in a sensitive way which respects values and traditions of the Sikh faith and culture. We know how important confidentiality is, and we make sure that the privacy, dignity and choices of our elders are at the heart of everything we do.

What we do:

  • We support Sikh & Punjabi speaking Elders aged 55+ in Leeds
  • We organise group and social activities such as yoga sessions, poetry and literature, learning new skills and opportunities to socialise
  • We arrange events and trips for the service users
  • We provide advice, information and signposting to other support services
  • We provide individual support by offering home visits or by telephone contact
  • We assign volunteer befrienders to visit the lonely Sikh Elders
  • We are a dedicated team supporting the Sikh & Punjabi speaking community to improve the quality of life
  • We help reduce loneliness and isolation
  • We promote good mental health

Our Services:

Cha Da Cup – Mondays 10.00am-2.30pm
The benefits of being active become even more important as we age. Health professionals encourage older adults to stimulate the brain and the body on a daily basis, whether it’s nurturing social connections or improving mobility through exercise.

This weekly group provides a cups of teas, hugs and chats, lunch, yoga, physical exercises, creative and fun activities to keep the brain active and relaxed.

Bhoolee Bisree Yaadein (BBY) Every 2 months – Thursday 7-9.30pm
A social event for Sikh Elders and their family and friends to join in with:
· Singing old and new Bollywood & Punjabi songs
· Listening to music
· Reciting poems, sharing jokes and riddles
· Playing Antakshiri and quizzes
· Making new friends, laughing and eating together
· Monthly themed playlists

Music is known to bring people together. Music has been shown to be a powerful memory retention tool and good for the brain and singing can boost your mood as well. At this event adults are encouraged to communicate and connect with other members of their community, often making new friends in the process. Participating in music can have profound effects on older adults’ mental, physical and emotional well being.

Some of our regular attendees have gained confidence in sharing songs and singing solo to the audience.

Getting out and about:

SES organises trips and outings to local places of interests and new environments and spaces.

Sikh Elders service focuses on holistic health and wellness, we motivate our service users to lead active lifestyles including having fun outings like visiting a local café, relaxing in the park or going to the beach.

The Sikh Elders service users visit new spaces in the community and surrounding areas. The Sikh Elders team are introduced to local cafes and social places, where they can visit and enjoy the environment and food.

We make memorable outings with our Sikh Elders and offer the chance to engage in thoughtful reflection too.


Sikh Elders Service has a valued team of committed volunteers who spend some of their spare time furthering the work of the service.

Sikh Elders Service Users attend Cha Da Cup on a Monday for a cup of tea, lunch, physical exercises and activities to keep the brain active and relaxed. The volunteering role involves helping set up the event space, offering a friendly welcome, serving refreshments and lunch. There are trips out, exercises, planned activities and guest speakers on Mondays. This role involves engaging with the Sikh Elders and encouraging them to participate in the activities or physical exercise.

We are looking for volunteers that are:

  • Good listeners, empathetic and friendly
  • Able to speak and understand Punjabi
  • Open-minded, accepting of others and sensitive to the needs of others
  • Caring, compassionate and confident

Befriending Support Roles: This role involves a friendly home visit to a service user or meeting them in the community. Activities can include going to the Gurdwara or a trip to the local shops, signposting or being a listening ear to alleviate feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

Office Support Roles: Volunteers can gain valuable admin and marketing experience in the SES office. If you like design and digital media work we always need support with newsletters and updating our website.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please download the application form below and send it to our email: sikhelders@touchstonesupport.org.uk. For support and information, please call the SES Team or send us an email. Thank you.

Get in Touch

0113 216 3143 (punjabi line)

 0113 219 2727

Touchstone Support Centre,

53-55 Harehills Avenue, Leeds, LS8 4EX