• Cha Da Cup will continue on Monday 9th January from 10.00am-12.30pm to support and provide enriched experiences to over 70’s, and the socially isolated and lonely, over 55’s. We will continue to work with partnerships and volunteer drivers to offer transport to those who are not able to access this group. This group remains free to attend, with a small charge of £2.50 to those that need help with transport.
  • Befriending We are continually recruiting and training volunteers to support the service with befriending opportunities. In return the organisation offers personal development opportunities, help with travel costs, references and opportunities to apply for jobs internally within the organisation of Touchstone.
  • Happy Shopping is our monthly project that takes place on the first Wednesday of the month. This is a great time to meet friends, lift moods, relax and escape from day to day chores that can lowers moods. The next trip is to the White Rose Centre 4th January 2017. Pick up is at 10.00am from The Sikh Temple on 192 Chapeltown Rd, Leeds LS7 4HZ. Transport is in partnership with Link Community Services.
  • Silver Surfers is a 6 weeks course on ‘First Steps In Computing’ followed by an opportunity to move up the next level. You need to have basic knowledge of reading English to benefit fully, we do have Panjabi speaking volunteers at hand who will support you if you need help. This partnership is with Age UK and is delivered from the Arch Café in the City Centre. The next course starts in March.
  • Raat Di Roti project has been running for 15 months! This project engages Punjabi speaking volunteers and Punjabi speaking older people to get together to enjoy a meal either at the volunteer’s home, at an elder’s home, or at a social venue. Elders who have been participating for over 6 months have remarked that they are experiencing a reduction in social isolation and loneliness. One elderly participant said “I enjoy this project so much that I have been telling some of my friends. Now they want to join”.
  • Bhole Bisre Yaadein will resume back after a 2 months break, on the 26th January. Where we will continue to deliver this once a month on an evening from 7.00pm-9.30pm in partnership with Apna Day Centre, Leeds City Council. There is a cost of £5.00 which goes towards a meal. The evening is compiled of poetry recitals, Bollywood and Panjabi sing-a-long and playing memory enhancing games.