We are delighted to announce that from Spring 2016, Touchstone will be delivering Kirklees’ social prescribing service; Better In Kirklees. Working with our partner West Yorkshire Sport, we will be supporting people with long term health conditions or social care needs to get involved in the broad range of different community activities that Kirklees has to offer. This will help people maintain and improve their health and wellbeing, and prevent them from slipping into crises or needing hospital care.
Touchstone CEO Alison Lowe says “we are very much looking forward to working with a growing network of community and voluntary sector organisations across Kirklees. There will be lots of opportunity for people to get involved in volunteering, or peer support roles. We have a vision for a dynamic and inclusive service ”.
Nigel Harrison – West Yorkshire Sport
Nigel Harrison, West Yorkshire Sport CEO, added “it’s really exciting to be working with Touchstone on the social prescribing service. Being physically active is crucial to people’s health and wellbeing and there are some great opportunities available through community led provision in Kirklees.”
Touchstone and West Yorkshire Sport will forge new partnerships with Kirklees’ primary care services, particularly GPs. Doctors will be able to write a ‘social’ prescription to complement the medical prescriptions that patients receive. The result will be better health and social care outcomes for residents across Kirklees.
For more information please contact Jessica Parker: jessicap@touchstonesupport.org.uk