Being You Leeds, via their funders in the Public Mental Health team in Leeds City Council, has been awarded the Faculty of Public Health’s Sarah Stewart Brown Award for Public Mental Health for 2024. Being You Leeds were recognised for their citywide work to develop the service.

This award aims to encourage and promote leadership and innovation in public mental health in the UK among members of the public health community. The panel felt that Being You Leeds was an excellent example of public mental health in action, working to improve mental wellbeing at a population level through community-based activities to build networks, boost mood, and improve resilience.

The service is delivered by Touchstone in partnership with delivery and training partners, who have worked together with funders to mobilise and deliver the work since early 2024. The partnership is made up of Touchstone, Barca Leeds, Community Links Training, Hamara, Health for All, Holbeck Together, Humans Being, LS14 Trust and Women’s Health Matters.

As Arfan, Touchstone Chief Executive Officer, says:

‘I am very proud that the Being You Leeds service has been recognised as a model of best practice.  This achievement is down to the collaborative approach between Leeds City Council, delivery partners and more importantly local communities.’

To find out more about Being You Leeds visit our MindWell pages: Being You Leeds – MindWell (