- On 31 March 2018 there were 1244 active service users accessing Touchstone services. This suggests that on any given day we have well over 1000 active service users across Touchstone services.
- 59% of Touchstone’s active service users come from BME backgrounds. All Touchstone services have a BME service user profile above the 2011 Census baseline.
- The percentage of active service users defining themselves as bisexual, gay or lesbian is 3.6%.
- Over 1 in 6 (17.6%) of active service users are Muslim and over 1 in 6 (17.3%) are Sikh.
- 2643 new service user referrals were made to Touchstone services. This is similar to the previous year (2608).
- ‘Outcome Star’ evidence suggests that we have succeeded in helping service users to improve their lives and health in most areas with the greatest improvement recorded around Mental Health.
- The overwhelming majority of service users (88.5%) successfully completed their programme of support.
- About three quarters of directly referred service users to Touchstone’s IAPT service are from BME backgrounds and over half are active IAPT service users.
- Over 12,000 appointments were offered to clients last year by the IAPT service with a total of 4470 clients seen for appointments by a Touchstone clinician.
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