Why does Touchstone have a Confidentiality Policy? 

The purpose of the Touchstone Confidentiality Policy is to define the means by which Touchstone endeavour to provide and maintain a working environment that ensures the health and safety of its people (employees and volunteers), customers, contractors, service users and visitors. The policy relates to the protection of all confidential information which Touchstone collect, store or process.  

What is confidential information? 

Touchstone defines confidential information as any information provided by a service user or about a service user, member of staff, volunteer or office of the organisation by a third party. This includes but is not limited to information obtained verbally, in writing or by accident as well as information on paper or held electronically or via any other medium.  

How is Touchstone held responsible by the law? 

Touchstone is registered under the Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulation (2016) and endeavours to abide by their principles. This means that all data will be processed fairly, lawfully and appropriately. Data stored will be adequate, relevant, accurate and not excessive for purpose. It will be kept no longer than necessary and destroyed when no longer required. It will be protected against loss and unauthorized disclosure (kept secure and password protected).  

How will Touchstone keep my confidential information safe? 

All Touchstone staff sign a Contract of Employment which requires them to maintain confidentiality. Access to confidential information is restricted to those who need to know.  

Information that Touchstone holds about volunteers (including members of the LMWS Coproduction Network) will be kept in line with the principles noted above.  

Can I read Touchstone’s Confidentiality Policy? 

If you would like to read Touchstone’s full Confidentiality Policy, please email LMWSCoproduction@touchstonesupport.org.uk