Hamari Yaadain Dementia Café visited Hornsea for a day of relaxation, delicious food and time to enjoy the beach. We arrived just before lunchtime and stopped at a little café, where we shared food prepared by some of our group members. A feast of samosas, chapattis, curry and an array of homemade chutneys! Members of the group shared their homemade recipes and discussed different ways of cooking from their varied backgrounds.
Feeling full and satisfied, we headed down to the beach. Some of the group chose to sit and watch the waves, whilst others fancied a wander down the beach with the sand between their toes. This was a really special occasion for the group to spend the whole day together and appreciate time spent with friends. Our group is a mix of people living with dementia and their carers, so this was a great chance for them to spend time relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.

“It has been so nice coming here together as friends. Sometimes we can go to the beach with our families but coming here with the group has been different and it’s good for us to do things like this!” – Mrs K

We headed to the sweet shop and bought souvenirs to share with family and friends, before getting back on board the bus to head home. Not before stopping for a much needed ice cream of course!

Sea shell, sea shell
Sing a song for me
Sing about the ocean 
Tell me about the sea.

-Author Unknown-