In June here at Touchstone we were asked to present a workshop at the PWP National Networking Forum for IAPT in Birmingham.
Aniysa Azam (Senior PWP) and myself (Deputy Manager) went and shared the Touchstone PWP team’s learning over the last 6 years on topics of: common challenges in delivering a good quality and equitable service to clients from Black and Minority backgrounds and what Touchstone have done to overcome these challenges.
We covered how to challenge your unconscious biases and recognise differences in privilege as a therapist, including getting attendees to do the ‘privilege walk’. We also covered how to adapt CBT based Guided Self- Help Interventions, and tips in how to use interpreters effectively in sessions.
We received the following positive feedback for the session: “Interactive and applicable, engaging and clear action points”, “good session”, “the privilege walk in the BME session was very eye-opening”, the BME session was really informative” “great, wish we had a bit more time to explore”.
Written by Sally Poyser