Sikh Elders Service provides opportunities to benefit the social, physical and  mental well being of Punjabi speaking elders in Leeds.  Sikh Elders Service has a valued team of committed volunteers who spend some of their spare time furthering the work of the service.  You can volunteer from home or in person,

Sikh Elders Service Users attend Cha Da Cup on a Monday for a cup of tea, lunch,  physical exercises and activities to keep their minds well and active. The team co-ordinators planned activities, invited guest speakers and sometimes outdoor trips were organised. The volunteering role involved helping set up the event space, offering a friendly welcome, serving refreshments and  lunch. Volunteers also engaged with the service users and encouraged them to participate in the  activities or physical exercise.

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Good listeners, empathetic and friendly
  • Able to speak and understand Punjabi
  • Open-minded, accepting of others and sensitive to the needs of others
  • Caring, compassionate and confident
  • 6 months commitment
  • Touchstone provide training and opportunities for volunteers

Skills acquired: Communication Skills, Community Development, Decision Making, Elder Care, Interpersonal Skills, Mental Health, Problem Solving