Continuing a series of personal reflections on the impact of dementia, Sikh Elders Service manager Chernjit Batebajwe talks about supporting a relative living with dementia.
I would like to celebrate this week with sharing my experiences with dementia.
I supported my relative the age of 86 living on her own every Monday of the week. She was a great cook and came from Uganda. Widowed at very early age she would tell me about her life and how she came about to be in England. I treasure the moments when she taught me about making food tastier even when you are cooking radish leaves, nothing was wasted in her house. In later years when she became frail and not knowing her condition with her memory, she would repeat a snap shot of her life where she may have regrets about leaving Uganda every Monday as if it was the first time she would be telling me this story. I gave her the impression that it was the first time I was listening to this each week giving the opportunity for her to come to terms with this decision.