Here’s a small sample of comments from the many service users, partners and volunteers who have worked with Touchstone’s services.

Contact us to send your own feedback.

“Touchstone is a great place! It helps people to know that support is provided, even if it is just to talk.  Someone is always available to listen and provide comfort.  The activities are fun and informative.  And you get used to the familiar faces.  I have been using the service from November, and so far I have found it to be positive for me.  It is a homely environment at Touchstone.  I like the bright colours, they are cheerful!  It feels very welcoming here.”

Support Centre Service User - March 2019

“Touchstone helped me very much. I came into Touchstone very happy!”

Support Centre Service User - March 2019

“Last year I had no idea that Touchstone existed. I was completely unaware that this sort of help was out there. Over the past year and especially the last six months I have become more confident with how I can live my life without any distractions or interference. I can feel myself becoming more stable and this is due to the help and service I receive from my worker and Touchstone in general. Thank you.”

Beacon Service User - May 2019

“I am proud to be in an organisation as good as Touchstone.”

Stacey Vickers, Service user - April 2010.

“I would just like to thank members of your team for the help and support they gave me with the meeting I had at HRI about my husband and the lack of care received. I feel if I have anymore problems I could ring Touchstone for help and advice. You do an amazing job I am sure you will carry on. Thank you.”

Advocacy Kirklees Service User - May 2019

“I find the services I use here are very helpful. My advocate was great during my tribunal for PIP – very supportive and caring throughout. All the staff are very helpful with whatever I need. Thank you for everything!”

Touchstone Support Centre was introduced to me when I had a relapse with my depression… If it had not been for Touchstone’s support, I would not be here to tell the story.”

Rani, Support Centre service user - 2013.

“I like that I can come out of my house to a safe place. I like meeting friends and making new ones. The staff and volunteers are lovely and helpful.”

Sikh Elders Service Service User - June 2019

I would just like to thank all the housing team for their help during the stressful time I had with other residents in my block of flats.

“My Touchstone worker from the start gave me reassurance about any worries I was having. She explains everything clearly in a pleasant manner.”

“Touchstone listens. Every single member of staff greets you with a genuine hello, how are you, and a smile… Touchstone is the top of my list for delivering mental health services and I feel like I am really going to move on with your support.”

Lorraine Kelly, Service user - March 2010.

“The group encouraged and motivated me… I love Touchstone.”

“I am extremely happy with the service I receive. I have been able to get out, go to hospital appointments and sort out my benefits due to the tremendous support I have received.”

“Apart from the obvious of meeting new people and learning new skills, volunteering gives me a purpose. I used to think volunteering meant working for no money, but no amount of money could buy what I’m getting out of volunteering. It plays a massive part of my ongoing recovery.”

I shall never forget what you have done for me. Never! I can’t stop crying… but in a good way! The relief is quite over whelming – Hurdle after hurdle after hurdle – it is such a joy that one of them has been lifted. Sorry for gushing – everything just seems such a struggle these days, and you eliminated the biggest I’m facing right now, and I just want you to know that what you do is appreciated massively.

Robert, Housing service user - March 2015.

“In the brief time I’ve been there, I have felt my confidence grow. I am seeing things from different perspectives and learning how to deal with situations in new ways.”

Best Start Service User - May 2019

“Touchstone been really good for me. Can’t thank you enough for my advocate – she’s amazing for me and helped me a lot.”

“Attending Touchstone meetings gives a feeling of belonging to one family. I always look forward to attend and participate in its activities. Keep at it!”

Sikh Elders Service Service User - June 2019

“Touchstone supported me to “get up again” from depression and anxiety – helping me to find the answers/solutions from within myself. Not only did they aim to support me to get well, the service also sought to empower me with “tools” for thriving going forward so that I may recognise and possibly avoid the same “pitfalls” again. It is a wonderful feeling to be in a position to be able to “give it another shot”. This time with a new perspective of the situation and, most crucially, a reformed perspective of myself in the situation. Many thanks Touchstone.”

IAPT Service User - May 2019

What amazing work you have been doing with Richard. To think back to when I first met Richard the progress is so significant. For Richard to be taking pride in his home and to be considering that it is possible for his environment to become more comfortable is such a massive step forwards.

Siobhan, Social worker - 2014.

Start with an open mind. Due to stigma, I did not label my symptoms or problems as stress or anxiety prior to the course. However, I am now able to acknowledge and accept them for what they are and am ready to overcome them.

IAPT Stress Control Class service user - 2015.

“Just a few lines to say thank you again, Touchstone, for everything that you have done for me, yet again. I’ve been with you for 18 years. You are the best mental health organisation in the World. Simon, you are a unique and genuine, kind gentleman.”

Housing service user - June 2017

“I think the two ladies I have seen from Touchstone are brilliant. They have helped me at I think the worst time of my life. Help me with interaction with others (which I have problems with). Helped me to understand things I do not. Provide help and reassurance with all things. All done in every kind compassionate and friendly manner. I think Touchstone services and their workers are an invaluable service for vulnerable people when you don’t understand things. They help you and explain them to you. Many thanks to the worker I have seen from Touchstone.”

Kirklees Advocacy Service User - May 2019

“I had such a good experience and learnt many new things and became a confident role model.”

“I think Touchstone deserves more publicity and credit than it receives, and ‘word of mouth’ is just NOT enough, for such a wonderful service/organisation. Without it, I really don’t know where I’d be and to watch other service users receive help, is such a pleasure and helps me so much in relating to myself. I am eternally grateful for the position of volunteer, thank you.”

Community Health Services (ELFHA & MHL) Service User - May 2019

Understanding the problem is important. This course gives you the knowledge and skills to make progress.

IAPT Stress Control Class service user - 2015.

Wayne’s happy you’re his carer, you’re the best one he’s had. You know your job, nothing is too much trouble. You deserve a medal.

Relative of Touchstone service user - 2015.

“Cannot be faulted, I am exceptionally happy & rely on Touchstone, both brilliant! Maybe in the future I will volunteer  when I’m better.”

Self Directed Support Service User - June 2019

“I have found every session helpful. ‘Face your fears’ has now become a daily mantra of mine.”

IAPT Stress Control Class service user - 2015.

“Touchstone listens. Every single member of staff greets you with a genuine hello, how are you, and a smile… Touchstone is the top of my list for delivering mental health services and I feel like I am really going to move on with your support.”

Raymond Mulhall, Service user - February 2010.

“Well my opinion on Touchstone I think they are amazing the best help I’ve had in a long time not just because they are helping me get my life on track what they have given me is something I’ve always wanted was just to talk and finally I can with them. If you need help you need Touchstone 100%”

Community Support Team Service User - May 2019

“I would recommend Touchstone to any family. The ladies I worked with at Touchstone are like family. They are so helpful and it’s like the Touchstone are part of family, because they are there when you need them. Very helpful all the staff at Touchstone in Burmantofts.”

Community Health Services (ELFHA & MHL) Service User - May 2019

“My own experience with my worker has been excellent, when things have gone wrong for what ever reason he has always been there for me. I am well pleased with the way I have been treated.”

“I am referring my patients to Better in Kirklees because social prescribing is a great idea. So much of what comes to me as a GP is as much about social isolation and lack of confidence as it is about physical issues; the resulting impact on mental health is enormous. Everyone has something they can offer whatever their age or health issues – sharing and friendship is the engine that powers our health.”
Dr Hester Dunlop, Skelmanthorpe Family Doctors, Denby Dale – 2016

“I am volunteering at PAFRAS through Touchstone and sometimes interpreting at Touchstone. I have learnt a lot from training and really enjoyed working with the organisation as they are very good in promoting diversity and equal opportunities for all.”

Touchstone/PAFRAS volunteer - 2016.

I will always be thankful for all the support I have been given, the listening ear, the understanding and the advice, not forgetting the continual smiles I’m met with every week and the positive attitude… I have found myself again and have found my smile.

“I was referred to the Positive Care Programme by Leeds Women’s Health Matters. The programme and the positive care received from it have been enormously beneficial to me and have speeded my recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am now medication free for this and I believe much of this is due to the holistic treatments and teachings. The pain has also lessened. I have learnt a great deal about how to promote self care and will continue with the lessons learnt long after my programme ends. This is something I have gained to use for the rest of my life.”

Tracey, Positive Care Programme service user - 2015.

“I love Touchstone, I love my worker. So far I’ve loved them and all the support which they have and still are giving me. They deserve a big medal. I loved the Touchstone Christmas party too, even though I didn’t win anything in the raffle but still really enjoyed it. Thank you very much.”

Community Support Team Service User - May 2019

“Touchstone helped me to understand my mental health problems better and to learn new ways of coping and keeping myself healthy. I got help with making and keeping doctor’s appointments, so that I started getting better.”

“At first I felt it was all too good to be true and that someone might take it all away from me, but with a bit of help I was able to make the necessary phone calls, set up my utility bills and learn how to manage paying my bills and come up with a system to keep track of where I am with everything.”

Sunlight Men’s Group found the sessions by the Community Development Workers very informative… and can now recognise mental health conditions and seek help.

Stephan Roberts, Sunlight Men’s Groups, Community Development Service partner - 2013.

“Touchstone has been a massive help with my problems. My worker is great, very patient and understanding, he has been a big factor in getting me out and about and informing me of other services.”

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my support worker. I feel I have come a long way positively since I first started support. I am very grateful for the help and support for the last few months.”

“I would recommend the Dementia Service at Touchstone to anyone, brilliant. Thank you for all the support and help.”

“Touchstone has really helped support me with the tasks and things I have problems with – which would otherwise be very stressful.”

Beacon Service User - May 2019

It’s really good for us to be able to get out of the house. It helps us to make connections with other people our age… I think more elders would greatly benefit from the service and I recommend it to my friends.

“I am grateful and very pleased with the work Better in Kirklees has done in supporting our patients and signposting them in the right direction. After a social prescribing referral to BIK, I have noticed in some patients the need for frequent consultation has reduced considerably. I am looking forward to us working in partnership in the future for the global health of our patients.”
Dr Khadija Zaman, Ravensthorpe Health Centre – 2016

I have built my confidence so much that I managed to change my job and get out more. It is amazing how my life started making more sense, I’ve learned how to deal with the anxiety and started reducing my medication.

Vladimir, IAPT service user - 2013.