To help us assess the course offered by the Best Start peer support project, we asked participants to give some comments on each week’s content.

Week 1 – Dealing with Stress

  • Because now I can recognise when my stress starts, I can practice these exercises to cool down.
  • Useful ways to recognise my stress levels and useful resources to help clam the stress levels down.
  • I think maybe more skills and techniques could be implemented.
  • I am now using the breathing exercise on a regular basis to help me manage my stress and anxieties etc.
  • Breathing exercises were helpful.

Week 2 – Support Networks

  • This session was important as now I know where I can go to get information about things I want or need.
  • I feel more confident with support groups.
  • It’s given me so much more confidence to be able to ask for help and support. It also made me look at what support I have, it made me examine my life and situation and what changes I need to make.
  • Before I came to this group I wouldn’t have reached out for support, as I felt I would have been judged by professionals and friends. I now feel more confident in getting help from others, be it professionals, other parents, or groups in my community.
  • I already receive some support, now I would seek further support if I need it. Improved confidence to ask for support.

Week 3 – Healthy Relationships

  • Now I know how to deal with different friends and how to cope with my family.
  • Talking helps deal with things better for me. I am more in control of my current situation.
  • We really covered healthy relationships, which helped me view those in my life and make changes.
  • It helped me reflect on how I ask for support from my family without getting angry, communicate with my children without getting mad, and realise what a great relationship I have with my husband.

Week 4 – Self Esteem

  • I can ask for help.
  • I am able to identify certain ongoing issues in my life.
  • This week really helped me to accept that at times I may need help and that it’s ok to ask. Also that maybe some of my self beliefs weren’t quite accurate.
  • I recognise what is causing my low self esteem. But still find it hard to ask for help, but am working towards it.  I still don’t feel worthy of getting help as I feel there are people with maybe greater needs for help than my own.
  • I found this difficult as I have little confidence. This is work in progress which I’m doing and addressing issues.  The session help me in identifying self belief.

Week 5 – Health Visitors and Local Agencies

  • I was happy with the health visitor, because I found out more about where I can get information and who can help me.
  • This week I felt was really rushed and we really didn’t manage to tackle everyone’s difficulties. I did find the information on other services to be incredibly helpful.
  • I feel I wouldn’t contact my own health visitor for help. The talk given by the professionals was helpful; I found out about lots of activities to get involved in with my children and will be seeking out these.
  • Good info about services and how they can help.

Week 6 – Taking Action for Change

  • Definitely more in control of my life and how I deal with things. I have created a small action plan which will get bigger.
  • ABSOLUTELY!! Its made me see what I want in my life and what I’m capable of and given me the confidence to take the next step to do more to better myself and my future.
  • I am trying to take time out to reflect on my own well being. I know the changes I want to make and am feeling more confident in making changes and moving forward with my goals for my future. I’m I the process of making my own action plan.
  • Looking forward to changing my own self confidence.