Dementia awareness video from West Yorkshire Police
Listen to Dr Sewa Singh Kalsi and his wife Hardeep Kaur Kalsi and their experiences of what it is like living with dementia. Video by West Yorkshire Police.
Listen to Dr Sewa Singh Kalsi and his wife Hardeep Kaur Kalsi and their experiences of what it is like living with dementia. Video by West Yorkshire Police.
This video from Leeds Involving People features June from Rothwell talking about her life with dementia, with illustrations of how groups in Leeds, including Touchstone, are working to become dementia friendly.
Many thanks to Dinah Beckett and Judy Beckett, who completed this evaluation of Touchstone's Dementia support work with South Asian families. Dementia Support Project final evaluation report
‘Hamari Yaadain’ café members with ‘The Dearanged Marriage’ play cast at West Yorkshire Playhouse. This week is Dementia Awareness Week. In the last few years, there has been significant progress in terms of raising awareness, a crucial step towards tackling stigma around dementia. And according to Alzheimer’s Society, there are approximately 800,000 people living with dementia in the UK. 25,000 of these people are from BAME (Black, Asian
Images from the 2014 BME Dementia Conference Today more than 800,000 people are living with dementia. By 2021, it's expected to rise to more than a million. More people than ever are now getting access to a diagnosis, are being given the right information to help them cope, and are receiving real person-centred care. But there are thousands of people living with dementia every day who are not
Hamari Yaadain - A Dementia Cafe for South Asian people in Leeds. Hamari Yaadain Dementia Cafe Group, October 2017 Hamari Yaadain, which means 'Our Memories' in some South Asian languages, runs twice a month on the first and third Thursday of each month from 1pm - 3pm at Touchstone Support Centre, Harehills Avenue, LS8 4EX. The cafe is for people with dementia and their carers and is accessible to