Touchstone’s vision is to inspire communities and to transform lives. Over our 30 plus years of operating across West Yorkshire this aspiration has led us to focus on the hopes, experiences and outcomes of our most diverse communities, as experience shows that these communities are most often the most excluded, marginalised and overlooked.
These reports will hopefully go some way to ensuring the rights and entitlements of Roma men and Black women born out of the UK across Leeds are recognised and honoured by service providers in the future. More widely than these two groups, we also hope that the different needs and experiences of Black, Asian & Ethnic Minority (BAME) communities and people with complex needs in particular, are distinguished by services and that considered, culturally sensitive responses are put into place, as a consequence.
In doing so, Touchstone intends that the voices of all will be heard and the visibility of our diverse and rich communities will improve, thus supporting all our neighbourhoods and localities to thrive and the people within them – whatever their needs – to be part of the potential of a new day.
Alison Lowe
CEO Touchstone

Download reports:

  • The Mental Health Support Experiences of Roma Men, Born Outside of the UK, in Leeds
  • The Mental Health Support Experiences Of Black Women, Born Outside of the UK, in Leeds