A was convicted of a domestic violence offence and ordered to carry out unpaid work and Rehabilitation Requirement Days as part of his Community Order.

English was not his first language and the Community Rehabilitation Company referred him to Touchstone’s specialist Shafa service.  Touchstone’s caseworker Ijaz Khan could speak his language and was of the same community.  This enabled A to relax and open-up about his experiences with the Criminal Justice System.

It quickly became clear that A did not fully understand the requirements of his Order.  As Ijaz has an in-depth knowledge of the criminal justice system, he was able to explain how As requirements could be fulfilled.  A successfully completed the program in relation to addressing his offending behaviour and in particular work around his thinking skills and victim awareness, meaning A is now much less likely to reoffend.   A was also supported into new accommodation, and through a transition from one Offender Manager to another, keeping A and the community safe.

The value of Shafa’s involvement became apparent when A’s father (in Pakistan) became gravely ill.  A was concerned and desperate to be with his him.  Through close liaison with As Offender Manager, and the Pakistani authorities, permission was given for A to visit Pakistan and he was supported through the necessary processes by Shafa.

Unfortunately, whilst he was in Pakistan, A’s travel plans to return to the UK were disrupted by COVID.  Because Ijaz had maintained very regular contact with A whilst he was in Pakistan, the new Offender Manager was assured that A was stranded and would return as soon as possible, and no punitive action was undertaken. Touchstone maintained contact with A until he returned to the UK. Ijaz offered support with his transition to his new OM ensuring full compliance and engagement. A was relieved that he had the support of Ijaz and Shafa during this distressing time, and he was able to spend time with his ill father without the fear of being breached for non-compliance with his Order.

“I am so grateful for the support of Ijaz and Shafa with my Order and for helping me to go and see my ill father in Pakistan. It makes such a difference to be able to work with someone who knows the culture and understands our way of life. Thanks” – A

Feedback from Offender Manager:

“Being able to refer to Shafa has been beneficial in helping A with his Order and Ijaz’s support whilst A was abroad was invaluable in terms of case management.”