
Connecting the dots – Community Support Team and CMHT

I commenced my secondment with Touchstone at the beginning of July for a period of three months. It was an opportunity to explore different ways of working and to form better links between Touchstone Community Support Team (CST) and the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). On my first day the Chief Executive, Alison, came and welcomed me to Touchstone and I met with Operations Director, Jim. I had met most

2020-04-17T10:45:22+01:0029th September 2017|Blog|

How to be Mindful on World Mindfulness Day!

Would you like to do something to mark World Mindfulness Day or are you are curious what mindfulness is all about? Mindfulness is a fairly simple idea about how we direct our focus of attention, but like many things that may sound simple, it can be a little tricky to actually do! The basic principles of mindfulness are about: Paying attention to the present moment On purpose Without judgement For

2020-04-16T18:02:28+01:0012th September 2017|Blog, CBT, Stress|

Take a minute, change a life

World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2017  “Take a minute, change a life” Every year, nearly 1 million people die by suicide and up to 20 times as many make a suicide attempt. Behind these statistics are the individual stories of those who have, for many different reasons, questioned the value of their own lives. Each one of these individuals is part of a community. Some may be well

2017-09-11T15:55:58+01:0011th September 2017|Blog, Depression, Suicide|

World Suicide Prevention Day

10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day. According to the Alliance of Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC), suicide is the greatest cause of death amongst young men (15-44) in the UK as well as many young women too. Every four minutes someone in the UK tries to kill themselves and every hour and a half someone succeeds.Research from the Office of National Statistics that was published in 2016, shows women’s suicide has

2020-04-17T10:43:11+01:008th September 2017|Blog, Suicide|


This is our FIRST blog post, WOW! It genuinely feels a pleasure to be able to talk about what we are, what we do and who we are here to help. The Café opened late last year (October 2016) and has slowly built up a head of steam, with the number of visitors we have received so far increasing slowly and surely, being more busy as we go. We are

2020-04-17T10:41:29+01:0021st August 2017|Blog, Community|

What “involvement” means at Kirklees Advocacy Service

Advocacy is all about helping people who use services to speak up, to be heard and to have influence – in other words to be involved in their own lives and in anything that impacts on their lives. Touchstone’s Kirklees Advocacy Service was designed from the ground up to achieve that. Here’s some of the ways that the service helped people to get more involved during 2016-2017 1. Involvement in

2017-08-11T09:00:23+01:0011th August 2017|Blog|

Ambitious Local Community aims to address Leeds Housing need

New Wortley Community Association (NWCA) has been successful in securing a grant to develop an exciting Community Led Housing project in West Leeds. This is a positive boost for the local community and builds upon the success of a number of other initiatives which NWCA already have up and running in the area. This local charity has major ambitions to improve the quality of life of residents of New Wortley.

2017-08-11T08:00:26+01:0011th August 2017|Blog|

“PROUD” – A Story of Touchstone at Leeds Pride 2017

Once again this year Touchstone staff celebrated all that is “Pink” about Leeds during Pride 2017. Not only did staff march tall with our Pink Pals banner in the parade, we also had a stall in partnership with Leeds Mind and Community Links to raise awareness of mental health amongst the LGBT+ and non-LGBT communities in Leeds and beyond. The day began for us at 9am but, with our mental

2020-04-17T10:41:17+01:0010th August 2017|Blog, Equality and Diversity, LGBT*|

Everyone Has Great Ideas! Report from the Leeds Co-production Conference

On 6th July 2017, Touchstone hosted Leeds’ second coproduction conference.  This time to coincide with national coproduction week. The aims of the conference were 3 fold: To shine a light on the existing examples of coproduction in the region To introduce more people to the “I Statements” and their place in mental health commissioning in Leeds To start the process of developing a coproduction kitemark for Leeds (and hopefully wider) by establishing a

2020-04-17T10:28:56+01:0025th July 2017|Blog, Coproduction, Events, Partnership|

Annual Information Report: Who did Touchstone support in 2016/17?

On 31 March 2017 there were over 1500 active service users accessing Touchstone services. This suggests that on any given day we have around 1500 live service users across Touchstone. Half of Touchstone’s live service users come from BME backgrounds. All Touchstone services have a BME service user profile above the 2011 Census baseline. The percentage of active service users defining themselves as bisexual, gay or lesbian is about 5%

2020-04-17T10:28:53+01:0021st July 2017|Blog, Data and Statistics, Equality and Diversity|