
Better in Kirklees annual review

Better in Kirklees (BiK) social prescribing service uses an holistic approach to support people to be active and involved in their community, keeping people happier, healthier and independent for longer. We started taking referrals in April 2016 and by July we had 98 people! We connect the people we work with to a wide range of community activities, support and networks such as arts and cultural groups, sports activities, environmental projects and friendship groups. BiK workers talk to each person about how

2020-04-17T10:18:23+01:001st December 2016|Annual Report, Blog, Social Prescribing|

"Thank you for giving me my life back" – Kirklees Peer-Led Brokerage Service case study

After having an epileptic fit I became very poorly. I couldn’t communicate with people – verbally or otherwise. I became very distant from everyone. The impact on my family was huge. Everybody was stressed and worried about me all the time. My dad lost his sense of humour and my parents took time off work to look after me. It didn’t make any sense to me at all. I was trapped, I knew what I wanted to say but I

2020-04-17T10:23:54+01:001st December 2016|Annual Report, Blog|

Thank you, Dosti – focus, friendship and confidence

Two of the women who attend the Dosti group tell their story and explain the difference the support of the group has made to them. I used to attend ESOL classes, but my asthma got really bad so I stopped going. I then stayed at home. My husband passed away in 2011 and my life completely changed. I suffered from severe depression and never left the house, stayed at home

2016-11-28T10:10:23+00:0028th November 2016|Blog, Case Study|

Where leaders are going wrong

A guest blog post by Jolyon Kimble of APCO Worldwide. Last week we held a discussion on leadership with two remarkable leaders. One was Lord Browne, former boss of one of the world's biggest energy companies. As many people know, he's white, and a man. The other was Alison Lowe, Labour Councillor and head of a mental health charity in the north of England. Alison is black, and a woman.

2020-04-17T10:23:53+01:0025th November 2016|Blog, Partnership|

Keep warm this Winter

As Winter sets in, Refat from Touchstone's Support Centre offers some advice on taking the best care of ourselves in the cold weather. I’m sure by now you have all pulled out your winter clothing and bedding, prepared and ready for the cold winter weather ahead; dreading the mornings when we have to wake up half an hour earlier in the morning to scrape the ice of our car window

2020-04-17T10:23:58+01:0021st November 2016|Blog|

Transgender Day of Remembrance

20th November is Transgender Day of Remembrance - a day to look back at Trans people's struggle for acceptance and particularly to remember those who've lost their lives because of the intolerance of others. There are two remembrance services planned in Leeds for the day, one at the Leeds General Infirmary chapel from 11am to 1pm and one in Sovereign Square in the City Centre from 8pm. Research by Transgender Europe shows

2020-04-17T10:23:50+01:0017th November 2016|Blog, LGBT*, News|

World Diabetes Day

Naseem Tariq (manager of Touchstone's Long Term Condition and Diabetes Programme), speaks about World Diabetes Day, and ways to manage or avoid the condition: Today is World Diabetes Day, which has grown every year to become a globally-celebrated event to increase awareness about diabetes. It is proving effective in spreading the message about diabetes and raising awareness for the condition. The theme of World Diabetes Day, from 2014 to 2016 will

2020-04-17T10:20:11+01:0014th November 2016|Blog, Diabetes|

Islamophobia Awareness Month

Islamophobia Awareness Month by Ruqayyah G, CBT therapist Touchstone IAPT Islamophobia or anti-Muslim racism is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Islam or Muslims. Islamophobia is when someone is targeted (including Islamic institutes and organisations), discriminated against or excluded in any way, due to their actual or perceived Muslim identity. It also includes prejudice that promotes fear against Muslims and Islam which further perpetuates an unsavoury climate of hatred. Islamophobia

2020-04-17T10:20:00+01:008th November 2016|Blog|

National Stress Awareness Day

Today is national stress awareness day and to highlight this important day our colleague at Geraldine M has written this wonderful piece. Stress Awareness Day I heard a comedian talking about how normal it is to talk about feeling stressed… that we say ‘I feel so stressed at work’ or ‘my children make me feel so stressed’. If we said my work or my family life makes me feel unhappy

2016-11-02T09:43:07+00:002nd November 2016|Blog|

Winter Wellbeing Café Top Ten Tips

As Winter starts to return, we're republishing some of the tips that our Winter Wellbeing Cafe came up with last year - to help you keep healthy and safe through the cold months.  1. Eat more fruit and veg to boost your immune system, including prunes, kiwi fruit, other greens and carrots. Also make garlic part of your diet as this has protective properties. 2. Exercise three times a week, this

2016-11-01T11:19:15+00:001st November 2016|Blog|