
Winter Wellbeing Cafe – opens 16th December 2016

Beat the winter blues and improve your mood come join us for some home made food We’ll play some games and have some fun, make lots of new friends or just one. The snow might fall, but you'll be warm inside, you’ll get support - in us you can confide. We’ll listen to anything you bring our way, we won’t judge you by what you say. Every Friday (from 16th Dec

2020-04-17T10:24:40+01:0015th December 2016|News|

Transgender Day of Remembrance

20th November is Transgender Day of Remembrance - a day to look back at Trans people's struggle for acceptance and particularly to remember those who've lost their lives because of the intolerance of others. There are two remembrance services planned in Leeds for the day, one at the Leeds General Infirmary chapel from 11am to 1pm and one in Sovereign Square in the City Centre from 8pm. Research by Transgender Europe shows

2020-04-17T10:23:50+01:0017th November 2016|Blog, LGBT*, News|

Lemn Sissay to speak at Touchstone's Annual Celebration.

Every year, when we present our annual report, we also take time to celebrate the amazing progress and success made by so many of the people who use our services and by the staff and volunteers who support them. This year's celebration event will be on Thursday 1st December at Sri Guru Nanak Sikh Temple on Tong Road, LS12 1LZ from 10:30am to 1:30pm. We're excited to announce that our

2020-04-17T10:20:13+01:008th November 2016|Events, News|

Positive Care Programme in Dewsbury

Beginning this week, Positive Care Programme will be offering taster sessions at Thrive at Connect in Dewsbury (Wednesdays 9th to 30th November). The sessions are for people with long term conditions (including mental health problems) and unpaid carers. Group workshops cover a wide variety of topics about looking after your mind, body and spirit, plus there will be practical yoga, mindfulness and creative sessions too. The sessions can help with: depression

2016-11-07T12:39:55+00:007th November 2016|News, Partnership|

Partnership In Action – Touchstone Community Support Team and Leeds South Community Mental Health Team – Part 3

Continued from Partnership In Action Part 2 As my 2 months shadowing CMHT have come to and end, it seems fitting to relay all I have done, achieved, learnt and the great outcomes that have come from co-production between CST and CMHT. An overview of my time seems a great way to start off, which included supported the team during MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) meetings every Monday morning. I also attended

2020-04-17T10:20:10+01:0031st October 2016|Blog, News, Partnership|

Partnership In Action – Touchstone Community Support Team and Leeds South Community Mental Health Team – Part 2

Continued from Partnership In Action Part 1 A further update from the CMHT Partnership, from Anna Simpson: 11th July -  Attended the team meeting, discussed first were Causes for Concern,.  The workers discussed SUs who are unwell at the moment and need flagging – similar to the CST Red/Orange/Green Traffic Lights. In the meeting are the clinical leads and the consultants so workers can get their opinions and extra support

2020-04-17T10:20:09+01:0031st October 2016|Blog, News, Partnership|

Touchstone featured in Stonewall's LGBT careers guide

Touchstone is more than proud to be featured in "Starting Out" a career guide published by Stonewall for LGBT+ job seekers and graduates. For many people entering the job market, it's hard to know how open to be about their sexual orientation. However, research from Stonewall shows that workers who are comfortable to be out at work also tend to be more satisfied with their job, the support from their manager and their

2020-04-17T10:20:04+01:0031st October 2016|Diversity, Downloads, LGBT*, News, Partnership|

West Yorkshire Hate Crime Reporting App #NHCAW

Earlier this year, Stop Hate UK launched a new hate crimereporting app for West Yorkshire. The app can be used on Android or Apple phones and tablets and helps witnesses and those targeted because of their identity, throughout West Yorkshire, to report incidents of hate crime. Users can also access information and advice about local Hate Crime services. Here are some of the features of the app: Allows picture, video or audio recording to

2020-04-17T10:19:52+01:0013th October 2016|Diversity, News|

10th October is World Mental Health Day #WMHD16

Sometimes World Mental Health Day seems like a slightly strange idea - as if there were ever a day when mental health wasn't a significant issue. What we hope that World Mental Health Day provides is an opportunity for people to begin conversations about their mental health, which can then continue for as long as they're needed. It's also an opportunity for organisations like Touchstone to reach new people, who

2020-04-17T10:19:46+01:006th October 2016|Events, News|

Leadership Masterclass with Jon Royle from the Bridge Project – Tuesday 15th November

Jon Royle has worked in the substance misuse sector for 25 years as a volunteer, researcher, therapist and manager. He will be delivering the next session of Touchstone's Leadership Masterclass on 15th November 2016. Before joining the Bridge Project he worked for Addiction Dependency Solutions, a regional substance misuse charity as an Area Director. Jon became Chief Executive of Bridge in May 2007 and is responsible to the Board of

2020-04-17T10:19:36+01:0023rd September 2016|Events, News|