
Migrant Access Point project in 4 minutes

Touchstone's Community Development Service has produced this video to explain the work of the Migrant Access Point project, empowering community members to improve access for their communities to services in Leeds. Migrant Access Point Project in 4 minutes from Touchstone on Vimeo.

2015-09-18T10:56:00+01:0018th September 2015|Blog, CDS Publications, Video|

Living well with Dementia in Leeds

This video from Leeds Involving People features June from Rothwell talking about her life with dementia, with illustrations of how groups in Leeds, including Touchstone,  are working to become dementia friendly.

2015-07-20T10:39:14+01:0020th July 2015|Blog, Dementia, Video|

Highlights of Women In Management – International Women's Day 2015

Seven Video Productions have created a short video talking to some of the delegates and presenters from this year's Women In Management conference for International Women's Day. Watch the video on YouTube to hear from speakers including Charlotte Sweeney, Alison Bunn (TwelvePeaks Management) and Touchstone's Alison Lowe. "It reminds people that, yes, we've come a long way, but we've still got a long way to go..." - Charlotte Sweeney "The

2015-03-24T09:00:10+00:0024th March 2015|Blog, Diversity, Video|

Interviews with Positive Care Programme participants

The following excerpts are from interviews taken with Positive Care Programme clients as they neared the end of their time with the Programme. Mac: "Be totally open minded about it and get as much out of it as you possibly can." Marie: "Knowing I was coming here just gave me the incentive to get up." Alan: "The Positive Care Programme has really helped me and it's given me a lot

2012-05-03T13:05:54+01:003rd May 2012|Blog, Video|

Saga Project Webcast

  The Department of Health came to Touchstone and asked how they might publicise delivering race equality amongst the Black Caribbean communities of Leeds. Touchstone said that the best people to ask were members of the communities themselves.  So this musical collaboration took place. Saga and Rap Conscious Productions wrote and produced a track called “Sectioned” - a hard-hitting story of what can happen when help comes too late. It

2011-09-12T13:02:55+01:0012th September 2011|CDS Publications, News, Video|