
Save the date: Leeds LGBT+ Minds Community Wellbeing Festival

6th October 2021|Categories: LGBT*, News|

Leeds LGBT+ Minds are excited to announce our Community Wellbeing Festival, co-hosted by Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service and Trans Leeds. The festival will take place both virtually and in-person (Covid restrictions permitting) between 29th November and 4th December 2021. Join us to share your experiences of using or needing mental

LGBTQI+ Wellbeing Course

17th September 2021|Categories: LGBT*, News|

Humans Being are offering a free six-week online course for the Live Well Leeds LGBTQI+ Social Group. We have extra places available for the wider LGBTQI+ community. Join us for relaxed 90 Minute Sessions on: Self care - learning to put yourself first when you need to and treating your

Bereavement and Loss Survey

17th September 2021|Categories: News|

Over the last couple of years many of us have lost loved ones and been unable to grieve as we normally would. Touchstone is trying to learn how this has affected people around Leeds - we're offering an opportunity to share your experiences and help us understand how we can support

Potentially triggering blog about Black Maternal Health Awareness Week

14th September 2021|Categories: Blog|

Black maternal health awareness week runs from 13-18th September 2021 and is dedicated to raising awareness about the disparities in maternal outcomes for Black women and birthing people. It was founded in 2020 by Five X More [footnote 1], “a grassroots organisation committed to changing Black women's maternal health. Black

Touchstone Support Centre Renewed

3rd September 2021|Categories: News|

The Support Centre in Harehills holds a special place in the hearts of many staff and service users and members of the Harehills community. Built in 1902, it has been home to the Live Well Leeds Service since it began in 2019. Touchstone has been delivering services from the double