
International Forgiveness Day: 5th August

When I think about forgiveness, I automatically think about it in terms of something you do to someone else. It is an idea that is closely entwined with compassion and kindness and is an active decision to let go of the anger you hold towards someone for something you believe they have done wrong. The ‘Unforgiveness Hook’ metaphor by Stephen Hayes is a great illustration of forgiving others and proposes

2018-08-05T08:00:29+01:005th August 2018|Blog, CBT|

Interwoven Histories – Animation and poetry workshops with Leeds Irish CHIME Group

As part of our Celebrating Age ‘Interwoven Histories’ project, Pavilion and Touchstone's BME Dementia Service partnered with Leeds Irish Health and Homes’ CHIME Art Group to deliver a three part workshop focusing on the groups ‘first impressions’ of Leeds when many of them migrated to England from Ireland. Prior to the workshops, Teresa who runs the CHIME group had encouraged everyone to write about, draw and collect photos and objects

2020-04-17T10:58:41+01:0025th July 2018|Art, Blog, Celebrating Age, Dementia, Partnership|

Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside!

Hamari Yaadain Dementia Café visited Hornsea for a day of relaxation, delicious food and time to enjoy the beach. We arrived just before lunchtime and stopped at a little café, where we shared food prepared by some of our group members. A feast of samosas, chapattis, curry and an array of homemade chutneys! Members of the group shared their homemade recipes and discussed different ways of cooking from their varied

2020-04-17T10:58:53+01:0025th July 2018|Blog, Dementia|

Malala Day

Malala Yousafzai turned 21 on the 12th of July.   A few months ago I popped into my local library at the Reginald Centre and walked out with a copy of a now 5-year-old book: “I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban”.   You may have read it yourself – a vibrant story of a father and his daughter and their

2018-07-17T13:26:50+01:0017th July 2018|Blog|

Leeds IAPT Diversity Audit Findings

Dear colleagues Some of you  are aware that over the past 6 -8 months, I have been working alongside Richard, Steve, Arfan and our consortium partners to audit and review the workforce diversity profile of Leeds IAPT. This piece of work is now complete and I’d like to share some of our findings with you. You might be wondering, why you? Well, from a personal perspective I had always been

2019-12-17T12:22:43+00:0017th July 2018|Blog, Diversity, Equality and Diversity|

Safeguarding and Coproduction – #SafeguardingWeek

Jim Leyland (Touchstone's Operations Director – Inclusion) talks about the work Touchstone does to ensure adequate safeguarding for our clients and their communities. I am really excited in Safeguarding Week to share the work we have been doing at Touchstone with Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board. We were asked to contribute a service user voice to the new Leeds Safeguarding Adults policy and procedure. Colleagues from the board, including the chair of

2020-04-17T10:58:21+01:0025th June 2018|Blog, Community, Coproduction, Partnership, Policy|

Best Start Peer Support Programme – our progress so far

The Best Start Peer Support Programme aims to empower individuals and families about the relationships they have at home and with professionals, in order that they make healthier informed choices about their lives and therefore become better carers and parents producing healthy children, in line with the Best Start plan for the city. In year one, we received 152 referrals. We have successfully found our niche and created a programme

2020-04-17T10:27:35+01:0022nd June 2018|Blog, Carers, Community, Families|

How are we doing? Annual Service Information Report 2017/18

On 31 March 2018 there were 1244 active service users accessing Touchstone services.  This suggests that on any given day we have well over 1000 active service users across Touchstone services. 59% of Touchstone’s active service users come from BME backgrounds. All Touchstone services have a BME service user profile above the 2011 Census baseline.  The percentage of active service users defining themselves as bisexual, gay or lesbian is 3.6%.

2020-04-17T10:57:23+01:0018th June 2018|Blog|

Coping with Social Isolation and Crisis throughout the summer

THE WELL-BEAN CRISIS CAFÉ – HOPE IN A CRISIS BLOG – June 2018 (Written by Matthew Hall – Crisis Support Worker at WBC) Since the last blog was released – we are pleased to announce that funding for the Well-Bean Café has been secured, and the service has now been extended until the end of March 2019 – which we feel is great news for our visitors and staff alike.

2020-04-17T10:57:22+01:0016th June 2018|Blog|

Events for Refugee Week in Leeds #RefugeeWeek

Sunday 17 June - Syrian Community of Leeds and Damasq 2.30pm to 8.30pm - Ebor Gardens Community Centre, 79 Haslewood Drive, Leeds, LS9 7PS This event is to bring all together to celebrate through food and sports! There will be a free Syrian Bakery and a sports competition for children. All are welcome. Contact: Fawaz Alghofari Monday 18 June - Meeting Point open gathering 10.00am-12.00pm - One Community Centre, Cromwell

2020-04-17T10:57:07+01:0015th June 2018|Blog|