
Preparing for your Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Regular Eating

Regular eating Many people who feel low in mood or feel anxious struggle to maintain a regular pattern of eating. For some people, their appetite reduces and people may skip meals or reduce their food intake. Others may experience an increase in appetite or a tendency to eat for comfort but find that they become self-critical as a result. Others may carry on eating but only eat ‘junk’. These changes

2016-05-17T10:00:47+01:0017th May 2016|Blog|

#IDAHOBIT A long history of oppression and resistance

On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, we look at the chequered history of the ongoing quest for equal rights and legal recognition.   1533 - During the reign of Henry VIII, all sexual intercourse between two men was made illegal, punishable by death. Between 1533 and 1558 the law was repealed and then reinstated twice. 1785 - Jeremy Bentham published an essay arguing for the decriminalisation of sex

2020-04-17T10:12:44+01:0017th May 2016|Blog, Diversity, LGBT*|

Dementia Awareness Week – Carer's Testimony

In the second of our blog posts for Dementia Awareness Week 2016, a carer talks about his family's experiences from the time of their father's diagnosis with dementia to the time of his death. My father was diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimer in 2001, we as a family didn't really know what this meant. Our beloved father passed away 5 years ago. Before the diagnosis, both the doctors and us thought dad

2020-04-17T10:12:34+01:0017th May 2016|Blog, Carers, Case Study, Dementia, Dementia Awareness Week, Families|

Dementia Awareness Week – Dementia Champions

  In the first of a series of posts from staff and service users for Dementia Awareness Week 2016, Touchstone's Arfan Hanif talks about the Dementia Champions group within the organisation. In 2015 Touchstone, as part of its ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’ accreditation, set up the Dementia Champions group which represents staff from all of our sites. The Champions have started to play a critical role in terms of

2020-04-17T10:12:40+01:0016th May 2016|Blog, Dementia, Dementia Awareness Week|

"Two Minds" – a poem for Mental Health Awareness Week

To mark the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week, a user of Touchstone's services shares a poem that describes some of her experience of living with mental illness.   I've written poetry for as long as I can remember, having my first poem published at the age of 14. Since then I've had a poem published by Oxford University Press during my University days where I studied English Literature and

2020-04-17T10:12:33+01:0016th May 2016|Blog, Events, Poetry|

What to Expect at Your First Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Appointment

What to expect at your first cognitive behavioural therapy appointment   A lot of clients get nervous about their first CBT appointment and do not know what to expect. First appointments may vary a little from person to person, but here is an idea of the kind of things you might expect in your first CBT appointment.   You will meet your therapist and they will introduce themselves, ask for your

2019-12-17T12:34:21+00:0013th May 2016|Blog, CBT|

International Dance Day

The benefits of dancing has been well established, helping to improve not only our physical but also mental wellbeing. And dance holds a special place in the heart of one Touchstone IAPT clinician in particular therefore to coincide with International Day of Dance, Carlyn B, has chosen to share with you the following reflection. By Carlyn B I have always loved dance from when I was a small child and personally

2020-04-17T10:11:55+01:0029th April 2016|Blog|

Volunteering on a community mental health project with Touchstone Community Development Service

I have been a carer for my mother, who was suffering from severe depression, for over 10 years. I came in contact with Touchstone during that time as a service user; my experience as a service user of Touchstone was exceptional. I found that they were very informative, helpful and understanding. Redundancy came up at my work place and I jumped at the opportunity. I wanted to do something in

2020-04-17T10:11:18+01:0025th April 2016|Blog, Carers, Case Study, Partnership, Volunteering|

The Mental Health Support Experiences in Leeds of Black Women and Roma Men, Born Outside of the UK

Touchstone’s vision is to inspire communities and to transform lives. Over our 30 plus years of operating across West Yorkshire this aspiration has led us to focus on the hopes, experiences and outcomes of our most diverse communities, as experience shows that these communities are most often the most excluded, marginalised and overlooked. These reports will hopefully go some way to ensuring the rights and entitlements of Roma men and Black women born out

2020-04-17T10:10:37+01:0015th April 2016|Blog, CDS Publications, Diversity, Downloads, Partnership, Research|

The Difference Between Living and Existing – A Client Journey

A client who recently attended a Stress Control Class has found the course so helpful that he wanted to share a poem about how he was feeling before accessing therapy. He has then provided a summary about his amazing success since engaging with Leeds IAPT.  If you can relate to how he is feeling, please don't hesitate to call on 0113 8434388 to review whether Leeds IAPT can provide you with

2020-04-17T10:10:28+01:0011th April 2016|Blog, Case Study, Poetry|