CST is an assertive outreach service, working with people over 18 who have complex mental health conditions who are excluded from other services or unable to access other services. CST work with service users primarily on a one-to-one basis. CST use a strengths-based recovery approach, which is a person-centred model with a focus on finding the strengths and interests of service users and working positively towards service user-set goals. There are some groups available to CST service users, run in conjunction with different partners, e.g. Assertive Outreach Team and
Community Alternatives Team.
One CST service user obtained full time employment as a nurse at Leeds LGI after a period of support from CST, including applying for funding for, then applying for and completing a Return to Nursing course.
One CST service user consultant facilitated a craft activity for other service users at CST’s Christmas party. Fantastic glowing snowmen were produced – thank you Kathryn.
CST held quarterly service user review days in 2015–16, which were all well attended. As well as encouraging feedback and ideas about how to improve the service, people were asked to participate in various activities. These included an alternative therapy session when PCP attended to offer hand and arm massages to service users, a music therapy session with Luke and a card making session facilitated by another service user.
CST staff did a presentation to over 100 people at Connexions. The presentation was for staff who work with young people who wanted information about mental health services within Touchstone.
CST began to plan an innovative partnership with Aire Court Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), the aim of which is to work more closely together, enabling a seamless service for service users in common, and also for each service to develop an in-depth understanding of the other. The partnership started with CST hosting a placement for two new staff at Aire Court. Both staff thoroughly enjoyed finding out about CST and Touchstone and were very positive about the CST’s person-centred approach. There are plans for the partnership to continue, and for a placement to be offered at Aire Court for CST staff.
Touchstone Annual Review 2015-2016