
World Alzheimer’s Day: Touchstone’s BME Dementia Service and Support for BME People Living with Dementia

21st September 2022|Categories: Blog, Dementia, World Alzheimer's Month|

This World Alzheimers’ Month, Touchstone’s BME Dementia Service, in its 10th year, has some vital words on the importance of BME-specific support for those living with dementia and some advice on how to find support. This year marks the 10th year of Touchstone’s BME Dementia Service. As a part

Lived Experiences of Hypermobile Spectrum disorder and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

15th September 2022|Categories: Blog, Disability Awareness|

This blog is written by: Marion Holloway (she/her) who has hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and autism; and Ruth Armitage (they/them) who has hypermobile spectrum disorder and dyspraxia. Marion and Ruth both work in the LMWS Inclusion Team at Touchstone. What is hypermobile spectrum disorder? A hypermobile joint extends beyond the

I’m Trans and My Dad Has Dementia

7th September 2022|Categories: Blog, Dementia, World Alzheimer's Month|

For World Alzheimer's Month, Touchstone's Co-production Lead for the Complex Rehabilitation Project, Tristan, has written a moving piece on his relationship with his Dad, who is living with dementia. My Dad has Dementia. He was about 53 years old when he was diagnosed, I was devastated. I felt like

The Power of Power In Co-Production

10th August 2022|Categories: Blog, Coproduction|

Our new Coproduction and Service User Involvement lead, Scotty, has written this blog on the power of power and the need to change unequal power dynamics in our organisations: It is very easy when working with Coproduction to go onto autopilot and become an evangelist under the pretext that everybody