Listen and Learn – Business Development
As an organisation Touchstone champions the values of inclusion and diversity, co-production, and quality and continuous improvement. As a team, the Business Development team are always looking for ways to discover and support the ideas of all the people we work with, and build relationships and partnerships that lead to better services for communities across Yorkshire that inspire and transform lives. As an individual I am always looking to learn,
Touchstone has been ranked number 1 in The Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers List
The long awaited Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers showcases leading organisations working across all strands of diversity. In recognition of their continued dedication to workplace diversity, Touchstone has once again been ranked first in The Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers List – which lists UK based organisations that promote inclusion across all protected characteristics, throughout each level of employment within an organisation. Powered by The Excellence in Diversity Awards, The Inclusive
Interwoven Histories – Hamari Yaadain group design flags for their roots, culture & identity
We are pleased to share that Carol Sorhaindo ran another fantastic community workshop with Touchstone’s Hamari Yaadain Dementia Café members. This time, Carol used the resilient buddleja plant as inspiration to think about our roots, migration and what gives us strength in difficult or uncertain times. The buddleja plant, which is common in Britain and Asia is known for its ability to thrive and adapt to many different climates, and has unusually long, tough
Islamophobia Awareness Month. Stand up together – it makes us strong!
ISLAMOPHOBIA A MYTH ? The sad reality of the matter is that is REAL, the need to spread awareness and stand united to dispel and dismantle biases is our collective responsibility. What is ISLAMOPHOBIA & HATE CRIME ? The UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, defined Islamophobia as: "...a baseless hostility and fear vis-a-vis Islam, and, as a result, a fear of
The Well-Bean Crisis Cafe – one year on
November 12th 2017 marks the anniversary of the Well-Bean Crisis Café, it really doesn’t feel like we have been open a year. From having just one visitor on the first night of our service a year ago, the service has developed significantly – with over 350 service visits in the last quarter. Though we have helped to cope with their own crisis’ – which often feel hopeless, challenging and complicated
Are you living with a Long Term Health Condition?
Are you living with a Long Term Health Condition? E.g. - Arthritis · Heart Condition · Depression · Stroke · Epilepsy · Diabetes · Asthma · HIV · Lupus · Cancer · Dementia · COPD · Anxiety · Cystic Fibrosis · Obesity · IBS · PTSD Are you interested in mental health? Come and find out... Why long term conditions can affect your wellbeing How you can manage your health and
Stop. Celebrate. Tell – A Reflection
Stop. Celebrate. Tell. There is no doubting how important it is to take the time to stop, look at what you’ve done well, celebrate and share your successes with others. This is usually easier said than done. So often we have many things in our lives that demand our time and attention, but it is so important to take the time to stop and reflect. Not only does it give
National Stress Awareness Day
5 tips to help manage stress 1) It can be easy to feel overwhelmed if we have a lot of things happening in our lives. We naturally focus on the negative things in life such as the things we can't do. Try to focus on the things that you can do something about. This will help you feel more in control. 2) It can be easy to only do
Alice Coachman athlete #BlackHistoryMonth
In London in 1948, Alice Coachman became the first black woman to win an Olympic gold medal, when she won the high jump competition. She was also the only female American athlete to win a medal at these Olympics. A fine sprinter as well as a superb high jumper, there’s little doubt she would have won more medals had the 1940 and 1944 games taken place. During the war years no