
Be a buddy for a new Leeds resident #VolunteersWeek

Most people have had experience of feeling new, not knowing where things are or how to get help. Well, here is your opportunity to be a buddy to somebody that is new to the city - to show them things like: where the train and bus stations are visiting museums together exploring different areas of Leeds how to access services like GPs taking up  a hobby together. We are looking

2020-04-17T10:56:48+01:002nd June 2018|Community, News, Refuge and Asylum, Volunteering|

Does Dance Matter?

International Dance Day falls on the 29th March each year. Each year prominent figures from the world of dance are asked to talk about why dance matters on a global and social level. Here are some of this year’s messages. Salia Sanou from Burkina Faso says: “…whether we like it or not, whether we recognize it or not, we all share, whatever the colour of our skin, whatever our origins,

2018-05-01T08:00:53+01:001st May 2018|Art, Blog, Community, Refuge and Asylum|

Time to Talk in Dewsbury

In an ideal world, we'd all feel free to speak about our mental health, without any fear of how other people might react. But in the real world, sometimes we need encouragement and reassurance to feel safe to talk. That's a big part of what Touchstone's services provide, and it's also a big part of the reason behind Time To Talk day. Each year on 1st February, people are encouraged

2020-04-17T10:51:42+01:0029th January 2018|Community, Events, News, Peer Support|

Hamari Yaadain

Hamari Yaadain - Touchstone's monthly dementia cafe for people from the South Asian community - was recently featured on the Alzheimer's Society website and in their Living With Dementia magazine. The articles author quotes Ripaljeet Kaur (Touchstone's lead worker on dementia): "Groups like this one are really important for people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. It's run in their mother tongue, so people feel comfortable. It's the only group

2020-04-17T10:51:43+01:0019th January 2018|Art, Blog, Community, Dementia, Families|

Are you living with a Long Term Health Condition?

Are you living with a Long Term Health Condition? E.g. - Arthritis · Heart Condition · Depression · Stroke · Epilepsy · Diabetes · Asthma · HIV · Lupus · Cancer · Dementia · COPD · Anxiety · Cystic Fibrosis · Obesity · IBS · PTSD Are you interested in mental health? Come and find out... Why long term conditions can affect your wellbeing How you can manage your health and

2020-04-17T10:51:06+01:0010th November 2017|Blog, Community, Events, News, Training|

Let's Celebrate Black History Month

Join us to celebrate some of the many great achievements of the Black African and Caribbean community in your local area, in Leeds, the UK and across the world. Monday 30 October, 1-5pm Dewsbury Road Community Hub, 190 Dewsbury Rd, LS11 6PF We invite you to share your story or a story about a friend, relative or someone in your community. Help us build a history of fascinating facts and

2020-04-17T10:47:03+01:0026th October 2017|Black History Month, Community, Events, News|

Best Start Peer Support Project – feedback on each of our sessions

To help us assess the course offered by the Best Start peer support project, we asked participants to give some comments on each week’s content. Week 1 – Dealing with Stress Because now I can recognise when my stress starts, I can practice these exercises to cool down. Useful ways to recognise my stress levels and useful resources to help clam the stress levels down. I think maybe more skills

2017-10-16T09:00:46+01:0016th October 2017|Blog, Carers, Community, Families, Feedback, Peer Support|

Dosti Diwali Party – 26th October

DOSTI DIWALI PARTY ON THURSDAY 26TH OF OCTOBER 2017 At BAME Health and wellbeing Hub Reginald Terrace LS7 3EZ Time 10.30am Till 2.30pm Come and enjoy the celebrations with us DJ & Dance Hot Food Games and Raffle Prizes Live Singing For more information Contact Pooja on: 0113 2038893 Tuesday/Thursday Email:

2017-10-07T09:00:36+01:007th October 2017|Community, Events, News|

Mental Health Awareness Workshop at Leeds Grand Mosque

Touchstone's IAPT team are running a Mental Health awareness workshop on Monday 9th October at 12.30pm at Leeds Grand Mosque. It will be for around 2 hours to cover: ​Touchstone IAPT How common mental health concerns are.  To identify how someone can be feeling/behaving but not linking it to low mood or anxiety.  To explain confidentiality, assessment process and questionnaires required for therapy. To briefly go through the upcoming course about learning skills

2020-04-17T10:45:53+01:006th October 2017|Community, Depression, Events, News|

Best Start Peer Support Project – what people thought

The Best Start peer support project offers a six week course to support expectant parents and the parents or carers of children under 2 years. To help us evaluate the course and to keep improving it, we always ask participants for their feedback. Here are some recent comments: What did you think of the course content? It taught me so much about myself and my emotional wellbeing. The subjects were

2020-04-17T10:45:52+01:006th October 2017|Blog, Carers, Community, Families, Feedback, Peer Support|