
Volunteering on a community mental health project with Touchstone Community Development Service

I have been a carer for my mother, who was suffering from severe depression, for over 10 years. I came in contact with Touchstone during that time as a service user; my experience as a service user of Touchstone was exceptional. I found that they were very informative, helpful and understanding. Redundancy came up at my work place and I jumped at the opportunity. I wanted to do something in

2020-04-17T10:11:18+01:0025th April 2016|Blog, Carers, Case Study, Partnership, Volunteering|

The Mental Health Support Experiences in Leeds of Black Women and Roma Men, Born Outside of the UK

Touchstone’s vision is to inspire communities and to transform lives. Over our 30 plus years of operating across West Yorkshire this aspiration has led us to focus on the hopes, experiences and outcomes of our most diverse communities, as experience shows that these communities are most often the most excluded, marginalised and overlooked. These reports will hopefully go some way to ensuring the rights and entitlements of Roma men and Black women born out

2020-04-17T10:10:37+01:0015th April 2016|Blog, CDS Publications, Diversity, Downloads, Partnership, Research|

Public Health England launches One You

The One You campaign aims to help adults across the country avoid future diseases caused by modern day life. It is aimed to encourage adults, particular those in middle age, to take control of their health to enjoy significant benefits now and in later life. The campaign aims to encourage adults to take more exercise, eat well, drink less and be smoke free. It will also provide information on how

2020-04-17T10:10:03+01:0018th March 2016|News, Partnership|

Love Arts seeking artists for mental health arts festival

The Arts and Minds Network would once again like to work in partnership with artists in all mediums, whose work has a connection to mental wellbeing. The annual Love Arts Festival will run this year from 5th - 20th October 2016. Deadline for Submissions is 4pm on Monday 9th May To submit a proposal to contribute to the festival, your event must have a mental health connection. Have a look which

2020-04-17T10:10:21+01:0014th March 2016|Events, News, Partnership|

Touchstone and Dosti to merge

  Touchstone and Dosti Trustees are delighted to announce that following several months of conversations about the future of services for BAME people in Leeds, they have agreed to merge from 1st April 2016. Shinde Dahri, Chair of the Dosti Trustee Board, said “I am really happy that the work of Dosti to support Asian women with mental ill-health will continue and develop as a result of our merger with

2020-04-17T10:09:59+01:0026th February 2016|News, Partnership|

Touchstone and West Yorkshire Sport to deliver Kirklees’ social prescribing service

We are delighted to announce that from Spring 2016, Touchstone will be delivering Kirklees’ social prescribing service; Better In Kirklees. Working with our partner West Yorkshire Sport, we will be supporting people with long term health conditions or social care needs to get involved in the broad range of different community activities that Kirklees has to offer. This will help people maintain and improve their health and wellbeing, and prevent

2020-04-17T10:07:40+01:0013th November 2015|News, Partnership, Social Prescribing|

NHS Announces ‘Social Prescribing’ Service to Improve Local Health

Touchstone's Jim Leyland with other partners in the project. Individuals in South and East Leeds are to benefit from a new NHS ‘social prescribing’ service to act as a single point of access to a wide range of community groups and activities in an easy, accessible way, which aims to reduce social isolation and improve health and wellbeing. NHS Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group, which is

2020-04-17T10:05:51+01:0014th September 2015|News, Partnership, Social Prescribing|

WY-FI – one year on

The WY-FI project started its work on 1st June 2014. During its first year of operation, it has: Been in contact with 142 people Half of those people are now receiving full support from the programme Trained 21 Peer Mentors Touchstone is just one of the partners within the project. Particular achievements by our staff have been: BME Engagement Worker successfully overturned a welfare payment sanction. Multi-agency release plan put

2020-04-17T10:05:25+01:004th August 2015|Downloads, News, Partnership|

A case of persistent depressive disorder and low self esteem – a post treatment summary and relapse prevention plan.

The following is a written collaboration by one of our High Intensity CBT therapists Debbie R and a client who has recently completed treatment with Touchstone IAPT. Relapse prevention is a vital part of the therapeutic process. It serves many functions but one of the most important is to provide clients' with a powerful tool to reflect on themselves and their experiences in the months and years to come post-treatment. This

2020-04-17T10:04:48+01:0013th July 2015|Blog, Case Study, CBT, Partnership|

Dementia Conference Report

Images from the 2014 BME Dementia Conference Today more than 800,000 people are living with dementia. By 2021, it's expected to rise to more than a million. More people than ever are now getting access to a diagnosis, are being given the right information to help them cope, and are receiving real person-centred care. But there are thousands of people living with dementia every day who are not

2020-04-16T18:03:17+01:0020th April 2015|Dementia, Downloads, News, Partnership|