Mental Health

Love Parks Week: The Role of Parks in Mental Health Peer Support for Parents

This Love Parks Week 2022, the Coordinator of our Perinatal Mental Health Peer Supporter Alliance, Clare, has shared her thoughts on the importance of parks to parents' mental health. She has also co-ordinated some key info of park-based projects parents can get involved with across West Yorkshire: My daughter was born in early January.  It was cold and dark.  January often feels like a month with no hope –

2023-01-26T16:00:08+00:0028th July 2022|Blog, Love Parks Week, Mental Health, parent mental health|

Getting Involved in Coproduction Work with Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

Beth Stepan, the current Coproduction Coordinator at Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service (LMWS) has written the following blog on how you can get involved in coproduction at LMWS:  The image explains what National Coproduction Week, the benefits of Coproduction and the opportunities to get involved, which is also written in text underneath. Why should you be involved in coproduction work? Coproduction increases the capacity and impact of public services. Service users