
CoProduction should be a ‘professional function’ of an Organisation

Following Co-production Week, Scotty Bell, our new CoProduction and Service User Involvement Coordinator, has written about his role at Touchstone. It doesn’t seem that long ago I was typing away to introduce myself and my role at the last organization I worked at. But sometimes an opportunity comes up that matches your beliefs so much that I had to say, “How could I not want this opportunity?” So here I

2022-07-15T13:59:35+01:0011th July 2022|Blog, Coproduction, Policy|

Getting Involved in Coproduction Work with Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

Beth Stepan, the current Coproduction Coordinator at Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service (LMWS) has written the following blog on how you can get involved in coproduction at LMWS:  The image explains what National Coproduction Week, the benefits of Coproduction and the opportunities to get involved, which is also written in text underneath. Why should you be involved in coproduction work? Coproduction increases the capacity and impact of public services. Service users

Mental Health Awareness Week 9th – 15th May 2022

Produced by Katie Toulmin - Peer Support & Volunteer Development Worker Hi All, Following in the footsteps of our SLT team, I wanted to share my reflections around the topic of loneliness, particularly whilst living with persistent/chronic pain. (4) Mental Health Awareness Week - Chronic Pain and Loneliness - YouTube

2022-05-17T15:30:09+01:0013th May 2022|Blog, Mental Health Awareness Week|

Mental Health Awareness Week 9th – 15th May 2022

Written by Quenby Harley - Community Health Development Analyst – Data & Intelligence.  Loneliness has always been difficult for me. While I enjoy time to myself as much as the next person, the feeling of being lonely or isolated is one of the main triggers for my depression. Building and maintaining connections to other people is absolutely crucial for my own mental wellbeing. It’s great to see this all too

2022-05-12T15:03:40+01:0012th May 2022|Blog, Mental Health Awareness Week|

What is Ramadan and how to support colleagues who are fasting

When is Ramadan? The Islamic calendar is calculated according to the lunar cycles, so the month of Ramadan begins when the new moon is sighted. As a result, the start and finish times change from year-to-year, usually advancing 10 days earlier every year. Ramadan lasts for 29-30 days and ends with the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr. This year Ramadan is due predicted to start on 2nd April and will last until

2022-03-24T14:50:39+00:0024th March 2022|Blog|

A night in Wortley Well-Bean Café

Blog by Mark Robinson - Touchstone Business Development Officer As a Business Development Officer, I spend a lot of time writing about the services that Touchstone deliver.  I usually get my information from our website, quarterly reports and from phone conversations with service managers.  We are doing quite a bit of work around Crisis Cafes / Safe Spaces at the moment, so I thought it would be really useful to

2022-02-23T16:39:49+00:0010th February 2022|Blog, Crisis support|

Touchstone turning #BlueMonday to #YouMonday

The third Monday of January has been awarded the gloomy name 'Blue Monday' due to a combination of post-festive blues and cold dark nights. At Touchstone, we're challenging the title by asking our amazing service users, volunteers and staff what things they do to keep well. Let's turn this Blue Monday into a You Monday!   Important websites and numbers: West Yorkshire mental health 24/7 support line, provides confidential

2022-01-20T13:48:52+00:0020th January 2022|Blog|

16 Days of Action 2021

Touchstone as an organisation is committed to supporting the 16 days of action to end the global violence experienced by women and girls. The campaign runs from 25th November (UN Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10th December 2021.  The 16 Days of Action campaign is an important opportunity to raise awareness and call for changes at an international, national and local level to end violence against women and

2021-11-25T12:38:53+00:0025th November 2021|Blog|

Potentially triggering blog about Black Maternal Health Awareness Week

Black maternal health awareness week runs from 13-18th September 2021 and is dedicated to raising awareness about the disparities in maternal outcomes for Black women and birthing people. It was founded in 2020 by Five X More [footnote 1], “a grassroots organisation committed to changing Black women's maternal health. Black Women and birthing people in the UK are four times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth [footnote 2].

2021-09-14T11:30:46+01:0014th September 2021|Blog|

Touchstone Loves Food initiative, the charity’s open and trusting culture, and the power of really listening.

Touchstone is a mental health and wellbeing charity that specialises in eliminating health inequalities in underserved and marginalised communities, including Black African, Caribbean and South East Asian communities, refugees and asylum seekers, and LGBTQI+  groups across West and South Yorkshire. The Leeds-based charity not only delivers vital services to meet these groups’ mental health and wellbeing needs but uses its expertise to amplify the voices of vulnerable groups with service

2021-08-13T14:57:54+01:0013th August 2021|Blog, Touchstone Loves Food|