Touchstone House
2-4 Middleton Crescent
West Yorkshire
LS11 6JU

0113 271 8277

Get Directions on Google Maps

Touchstone House
2-4 Middleton Crescent
West Yorkshire
LS11 6JU

0113 271 8277

Get Directions on Google Maps

0113 248 4880

Call Joe on 07741 328786


Specific enquiries can be made via:

Senior Pathway Worker
John Pollock
 07864 609617

 Touchstone House,

2-4 Middleton Crescent, Leeds, LS11 6JU

You can speak to our advocate and book an appointment by telephoning:

Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 10am-6pm
Wednesday 10am-3pm


Team Leader: Rachael Jones – 07484911165

Please note: the Community Wellbeing Connectors team do not accept self-referrals. However, if you think this is a service that you or someone you know would benefit from, please speak with a registered GP practice or another professional involved in your care about a potential referral. Please see the service’s webpage for any more information (link above).

Touchstone House,

2-4 Middleton Crescent, Leeds LS11 6JU

Better Together East Leeds Health For All,

To access online referral forms for each services, please the link to their website then click on the yellow support buttons to open the form: 

Call this number to be transferred through to the right office: 0330 333 5534
0113 385 9423 – Leeds
01924 302425 – Bradford
01924 305210 – Wakefield
01484 436544 – Kirklees
01924 302425 – Calderdale

Liaison and Diversion,

Leeds District Police HQ, Elland Road, Leeds LS11 8BU

07557824987 – Monday to Thursday.

Peer Support Team,

Liaison & Diversion Service, Kendray Hospital, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, S60 3RD

Live Well Leeds,

Support Centre, 53-55 Harehills Avenue, Leeds LS8 4EX

Maz (Touchstone): South Leeds Link Worker

07484 911141

0113 216 3143
(Punjabi line)

 0113 219 2727

Touchstone Support Centre,

53-55 Harehills Avenue, Leeds LS8 4EX